Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Michael Jackson-Black Or White

A man a legend a model for the world... Michael jackson was a man of great music , dance moves but he had some problems? first when michael went from black to white people said wow what is wrong wit him? but in fact he just changed his skin color becaus he had a deasease that gave him white dots ... now ur thinking if he got surgery to go white why didnt he go black? well at the time they didn't have any other color but white. second he was said to be a child molester there was not really any real evidence on that but ill leave that 1 for you to decide.Here is a song he made trying to stop racsisim. go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI9OYMRwN1Q sorry I don't know how to put video's on my site :D but go take a look.

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