Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Asian's go western?

Hmmm confusing ... Asian's that think that western eye's are more beautiful so they want sergery ... but tons of westerners like asian eye's.I think the asian community only thinks this way because of bullying and we saw it from the documentary we saw in class. My personal say is i like asian eyes hell my eyes are kind of like a asian's I've heard it from many people anyways not the point... :P people should accept what they have and not care what other's think because they are most likley worse off than you if they are making fun of "a" person.

Michael Jackson-Black Or White

A man a legend a model for the world... Michael jackson was a man of great music , dance moves but he had some problems? first when michael went from black to white people said wow what is wrong wit him? but in fact he just changed his skin color becaus he had a deasease that gave him white dots ... now ur thinking if he got surgery to go white why didnt he go black? well at the time they didn't have any other color but white. second he was said to be a child molester there was not really any real evidence on that but ill leave that 1 for you to decide.Here is a song he made trying to stop racsisim. go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI9OYMRwN1Q sorry I don't know how to put video's on my site :D but go take a look.

9/11 What? who? why? ATTACK!!!!!

When 911 happened it was a sad time.Lot's of people died children lost parents ect... Then America decided to go to war. ( I disagree going to war though I think the taliban had their reasons I don't know why but People dont drive a plane into building for fun) While america was in war songs came out about it like the dixie chick's song , alan jackson's song. 911 was shown everyday 24 hours for a long time on the news even now years later it is shown every once in a while.War is money as we have learned from world war 1 and then the depression came then world war 2 got people out of that depression.I don't know what to say about 9/11 not really an american van (at all).


what makes a man? muscels , genes , looks? , hobbies, has alot of girls? In today's society if you are built an good at sports your considered a MAN! but if your a person who isnt buff , macho or good at sports appearently your a pussy , bitch , weak-ass mother fucker ect... lol thiers a whole list no need to say them all. The question is though is that really being a man? In my oppion I don't think so.here look at these pictures an tell me do you think muscels make a man a "man"? I just finished watching Family Guy it's 8:00 p.m and adding somthing it was the episode when clevland's wife was cheating on him with Qwagmire and if you have watched it before cleavland doesn't really have emotions then louis gave him a pep talk and said "be a man" you gotta be tough, rough and take action.Then cleavland goes insane and tries to kill Qwagmire.